The Outlook
World Outlook is a student-run, peer-reviewed international affairs journal at the Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College. In "The Outlook," we publish outstanding commentary by Dartmouth students and undergraduates worldwide.
The Outlook
A Conversation with Captain Omer Rafiq
World Outlook
Victor Lago, Madeleine Shaw, and Pranav Kela sit down to talk with Captain Omer Rafiq. Captain Omer Rafiq is a Captain in the United States Marine
Corps Reserves, currently serving at Special Operations Central Command in Tampa, FL. He enlisted in the reserve component of the Marine Corps in August 2010. Following initial training, he deployed to Helmand Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Commissioned as an infantry officer in 2016, he deployed across the globe to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa. Most recently, he was one of two US Department of Defense officials on the ground in Port of Sudan supporting the evacuation of US and allied nation citizens from Sudan amidst the recent civil war.