The Outlook
The Outlook
A Conversation with Margot Wallström | 04/11/2024
Walker Wilson and Parnav Akella sit down for a conversation with Margot Wallström. Today we're excited and honored to be joined by Margot Wallström. Margot Wallström served as the European Commissioner for the environment, European Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy, as well as the Vice President of the European Commission from 2004 to 2010. She was also appointed as the first special representative on sexual violence conflict to the United Nations in 2010. In addition, she was Sweden's Minister for Nordic Cooperation from 2016 to 2019. Wallström has also served as Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden and Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2014 to 2019. Since leaving government, Wallström continues her international advocacy for women's rights and democratic values.